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Monday, November 21, 2011

Venting Session

Today I need to vent. I am pregnant. Trevor and I had plans to wait to tell family/friends for various reasons. However, it's almost impossible to do because my body and pregnancy (at least for the first trimester) hate each other. Like with the last two pregnancies, morning sickness hit around 6 weeks. Except, it isn't just morning sickness, it's all day, 24/7, seven days a week sickness. Needless to say, it gets pretty old ... fast. Last week at work, I had to leave early two days because I was hardly functioning and productive unless it meants sitting in front of the toilet.

So, I start my regimen of IV fluids and anti-nausea medication when needed. Unfortunately, this doesn't last too long, and its a matter of hours until I feel nauseas again. So, I can't really work. But, I would have to go unpaid if I take time off and my job is unprotected. We can't afford for me not to work, or to not have a job. I don't know what to do.

And perhaps the most frustrating thing is that I know people think I am making this up, exaggerating, crazy, etc. Yeah, I choose to throw up all day, I choose to feel like crap and to get dehydrated, constipated, and need to go in to the hospital throughout the week. All cause, it sounds so fun. Yes, I choose to have to go home early from work so I can run out of PTO, be broke, and stress about how we are going to pay the bills.

Well, that feels a bit better to just vent. Now off to figure out how to make it all work...


  1. You know I have a couple of daughters who can feel your pain. I know your not exaggerating .I spent enough time at the hospital with one .My prayers are with you .

  2. I don't think plp thinks that you are making things up, and if they are.. don't worry, is not worth it.
    you are actually pretty strong, I don't have half of your symptoms and I'm useless with just a little nausea.
    you are a strong mother, and please just take care of your self, and your baby...
