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Friday, October 28, 2011

Change of Plans

When I was younger, I had my life mapped out. I would graduate high school, go to nursing school, graduate, get married, have kids, and live happily ever after.

Well He had different plans for me. Instead, I met Trevor, became unofficially engaged, graduated high school, got married, started school, had Tanner, and now I am slowly quiting school.

Trevor and I both work full time right now, and we were both going to school full time. Two months of feeling like I never saw Trevor or our sweet boy got old- fast. So, together, Trevor and I decided that it would be best for our family if I put school off until he was done with his program (Spring of 2014).

I believe 100% in obtaining an education, it is just on hold for the moment. We plan on living off of whatever Trevor makes once he starts a career, so we felt that it made more sense to really focus on his schoolwork and allow me more time to spend with Tanner.

While it didn't all happen the way I had planned, I am SOOO glad it turned out how it has. It is hard for me sometimes to be satisfied with how things are now. I would much rather prefer that Trevor be done with school and working so that I don't have to. But we have so many sweet moments together and appreciate the time we have with each other because it is limited. So Goodbye school- see ya in a few years.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how things don't work out the way we planned, but in the end turn out even better :)
